Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Experencing good days.

I've been fortunate enough to enrich my life with clarity for the last couple of years and its been simply great. I don't think I can really explain the things that have happened that have made every week of my life feel better. I dont think I can give people credit for this at all. Its all me. I'm god.

Sounds pretty pompous at the end there... you would be too if your life turns from pure shit to greatness within a matter of a year or two.
I'm quite the happy guy.

Today was a great day considering I'm recovering from this case of the flu and Bronchitis. Just like everything you have the ability to recover. People look at it all wrong, or at least I did.

So I feel like I'm back to square one. Back in this state of limbo that happens everytime you just have no leads or possible crushes. This is one of the first time's I've felt really great while I just sit here and reflect of my day.
I understand where I stand and what I really meant when I told myself I would be single until I graduate or until after I graduate. I dont think I should be so brutal on myself. I've been looking great recently and I've really had something to show people. Shit, I'm impressing myself. I wouldnt say this at all to anyone in real life, but its hard to look good in the mirror when you look at yourself everyday, but it honestly has been really good. Going back to the gym tomorrow after a week long break. Pretty pumped about that.

Another good day to check off in my book.
Practice hard. Keep and eye out for leads.


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